Follow Me Around | Concert Time

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Hey guys,

over the last few weeks I decided to bring my writing back to the roots.
No, that does not mean I'm going to start fangirling in blogposts again, and also I'm not going to get back to my really horrible writing. Don't worry, you're still safe!

But I would like to give more personal insights again and still share professional stuff with you.
Sounds confusing, is confusing but hey, let's give it a try.

So today you can find out what it's like when I work at gigs as Vanessa from house in the sand.
(Please notice that there is a lot of work before you go to gigs. I can write about that in another post if you'd like me to.)

I'd also like to mention that I'm no professional, I study journalism and try to learn as much about photography, filming and press work in general as I can. Take this article as a look into my blog diary.

Alright, without further do - let's head to the Martin and James gig in Darmstadt.

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It usually always starts with a road trip. I live in a very unfortunate gig area which means there's always at least a 90 minutes long car ride to do first. Hurray! Not. (And yeah ... I take care ride selfies.)

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If things work out and my navigation system guides me correctly, I eventually arrive at the venue
I'm either too late or way too early. There's no inbetween. (I prefer the early arriving though - time for some coffee.)

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At this gig I was doing a little soundcheck reportage (read/watch it here), so I got in early to prepare my chunk of equipment and to get ready.

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Usually, if there's something to work on with the artists themselves, it happens after soundcheck. 
This is the time for interviews, sessions and other random things.
Here we filmed a performance for the Birthday Countdown (watch here).

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And then it's showtime!
I would say this is the hardest part of the evening - when you film videos with the artists you can always re-film scenes if they turn out wrong but once the show starts it's all about "living the moment" (which sounds awfully cheesy).
You only get each scene once and you either capture it properly or you don't.
But it's all so much fun and I love doing that.

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Hey, can you spot me? Photobombing while photographing. That's a thing.
So glad I followed the "wear dark clothes when you photograph from the photo/stage area" rule.
This helps to not reflect the stage lights so you don't distract people.

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Biggest thank you to Jenny from december girl for catching me on stage. Haha.
A bit creepy, that girl behind the musicians, innit?
But hey - I was productive. (Check results here)
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And then it's the end of the work day. So you chat with friends, the artists and you thank everybody a million times for being amazing.
And you feel very lucky to do such cool things.

And then you head back home, or head to your hotel and catch some sleep before the next day, which will consist of editing, kicks off.

Please let me know what you think of this kind of post. I would love to hear your opinion and hope you read something you didn't know before. :)

Thank you very much!

Credits // Text: Vanessa Jertschewske / Photography: Vanessa Jertschewske, Jenny Schüler (


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